Urban War
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Phase 10 – Shipping February 25th
34208-Taurian Howitzer Team Contents: 2 Howitzers, 2 Gunners & 4 Loaders, plastic bases.
Price: £20.00 / 30.00€ / $40.00
34403-Sumo Body Guards Contents: 6 x Sumotori; 4 Sumos w/Club, 1 w/Blades & 1 w/Broadsword, plastic bases.
Price: £20.00 / 30.00€ / $40.00
34405-Hatamotos Contents: 6 x Hatamotos; 3 w/Blades & 3 w/Naginatas, plastic bases.
Price: £16.00 / 24.00€ / $32.00
34506-Hybrid Stingers Contents: 8 x Stingers, plastic bases.
Price: £16.00 / 24.00€ / $32.00
34603-Legionary Lancers Contents: 5 x Lancers, 2 x Grenadiers & 1 x Decurion, plastic bases.
Price: £20.00 / 30.00€ / $40.00
34608-Titus IV Nero Contents: 1 x Titus IV Nero CLAU, plastic base.
Price: £25.00 / 37.50€ / $50.00
13410-Sumo Bodyguard w/2-handed sword Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
£ 6.00 / 9.00€ / $12.00
13525-Stinger Hybrids Contents: 2 x Stinger Hybrids, plastic bases.
Price: £5.00 / 7.50€ / $10.00
13642-Aquila Decianus Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £5.00 / 7.50€ / $10.00
34103-Shock Marines Contents: 5 x Troopers & 1 x Sergeant, plastic bases.
Price: £20.00 / 30.00€ / $40.00
34204-Pit Beasts Contents: 3 x Pit Beasts & 1 x Greater Pit Beast, plastic bases.
Price: £20.00 / 30.00€ / $40.00
34408-Dragonflies Contents: 6 Dragonflies, plastic bases.
Price: £18.00 / 27.00€ / $36.00
34410-Tiger-Claw Teams Contents: 2 x Gunners & 4 x Loaders, plastic bases.
Price: £16.00 / 24.00€ / $32.00
34505-Hybrid Reapers Contents: 8 x Reapers, plastic bases.
Price: £18.00 / 27.00€ / $36.00
34604-Praetorian Guards Contents: 8 x Praetorians: 5 Troopers, 2 Hellfire & 1 Decurion, plastic bases.
Price: £20.00 / 30.00€ / $40.00
34706-Black Legionaries Contents: 5 x Black Legionaries & 1 Sergeant, plastic bases.
Price: £20.00 / 30.00€ / $40.00
13144-Shock Marine Contents: 2 x Shock Marines, plastic bases.
Price: £8.00 / 12.00€ / $16.00
13145-Shock Marine Serg Contents: 1 x Shock Marine Sergeant, plastic base.
Price: £5.00 / 7.50€ / $10.00
13235-Greater Pit Beast Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £10.00 / 5.00€ / $20.00
13236-Pit Beast Charging Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £6.00 / 9.00€ / $12.00
13524-Reaper Hybrids Contents: 2 x figures, plastic bases.
Price: £6.00 / 9.00€ / $12.00
13643-Praetorian Decurion Contents: 1 x figure, plastic bases.
Price: £4.00 / 6.00€ / $8.00
13724-Black Legion Contents: 2 x Black Legion, plastic bases.
Price: £8.00 / 12.00€ / $16.00
13725-Black Legion Serg Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
£ 5.00 / 7.50€ / $10.00
22901-Iskandria, Background book for Urban War & Metropolis
Price: £15.00 / 22.50€ / $30.00
22902-Industrial Sector, Scenario book for Urban War & Metropolis
Price: £10.00 / 15.00€ / $20.00
34108-Colonial Marine HMG Team Contents: 2 x Gunners & 4 x Loaders, plastic bases.
Price: £16.00 / 24.00€ / $32.00
34110-Colonial Marine Bazooka Team Contents: 2 x Gunners & 4 x Loaders, plastic bases.
Price: £16.00 / 24.00€ / $32.00
34205-Vulcan Gladiators Contents: 6 x Vulcan Grenadiers, plastic bases.
Price: £16.00 / 24.00€ / $32.00
34311-Pyro Cyclosynth Contents: 1 x Pyro Cyclosynth, plastic base.
Price: £22.00 / 33.00€ / $44.00
34409-Hatamoto Viper Wings Contents: 4 x Hatamoto Viper Wings, plastic bases.
Price: £24.00 / 36.00€ / $48.00
34609-Sandrunners Contents: 3 x Sandrunners & 1 x Decurion, plastic bases.
Price: £24.00 / 36.00€ / $48.00
13234-Vulcan Gladiators Contents: 2 x figures, plastic bases.
Price: £6.00 / 9.00€ / $12.00
13640-Sandrunner Decurion Contents: 1 x Rider & mount, plastic bases.
Price: £8.00 / 12.00€ / $16.00
13641-Tribune Quintillus Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £5.00 / 7.50€ / $10.00
34109-Colonial Marine Mortar Team Contents: 2 x Gunners & 4 x Loaders, plastic bases.
Price: £18.00 / 27.00€ / $36.00
34106-Urban Interdicts Contents: 5 x Troopers & 1 x Sergeant, plastic bases.
Price: £20.00 / 30.00€ / $40.00
34107-Saurian Riders Contents: 2 x Troopers, 1 x HGR & 1 x Sergeant, plastic bases.
Price: £30.00 / 45.00€ / $60.00
34307-Nyx Class Assassin Biomechs Contents: 6 x Nyx Biomechs , plastic bases.
Price: £18.00 / 27.00€ / $36.00
34310-M-Synths Support Cell Beta Contents: 2 x M-Synths; 1 w/Pulse Cannon & 1 w/Pulse Rifle, plastic bases.
Price: £16.00 / 24.00€ / $32.00
34411-Dragon Rocket Launcher Team Contents: 2 x Gunners & 4 x Loaders, plastic bases.
Price: £18.00 / 27.00€ / $36.00
13146-Urban Interdicts Contents: 2 x figures, plastic bases.
Price: £8.00 / 12.00€ / $16.00
13147-Interdict Serg Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £5.00 / 7.50€ / $10.00
13148-Saurian Rider Serg Contents: 1 x Saurian Rider Serg, plastic base.
Price: £10.00 / 15.00€ / $20.00
13333-Nyxx Assassin Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £4.00 / 6.00€ / $8.00
13334-Medusa Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £5.00 / 7.50 / €$10.00
13336-Macrosynth Heavy Walker Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £10.00 / 15.00€ / $20.00
13728-KV72 Wolverine Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £10.00 / 15.00€ / $20.00
13729-KV72 Starfire Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £10.00 / 15.00€ / $20.00
13730-Suppressors w/Gauss Rifles Contents: 2 x different miniatures, plastic bases.
Price: £6.00 / 9.00€ / $12.00
13731-Suppressors w/Stun Batons Contents: 2 x different miniatures, plastic bases.
Price: £6.00 / 9.00€ / $12.00
Phase 14 – Shipping June 23rd
34306-Medusa Class Biomechs Contents: 6 x Medusa Biomechs, plastic bases.
Price: £18.00 / 27.00€ / $36.00
34308-Tactical T-Synths Contents: 4 x T-Synths; 3 w/Hvy Pulse & 1 w/Mini MLRS, plastic bases.
Price: £20.00 / 30.00€ / $40.00
34507-Harpikons Contents: 6 x Harpikons, plastic bases.
Price: £16.00 / 24.00€ / $32.00
34606-Thermite Bombers Contents: 6 x Thermite Bombers, plastic bases.
Price: £16.00 / 24.00€ / $32.00
34611-Heavy Chain Gun Team Contents: 2 x Gunners & 4 Loaders, plastic bases.
Price: £18.00 / 27.00€ / $36.00
34703-Red Guard Contents: 4 x Red Guards & 1 x Sergeant, plastic bases.
Price: £20.00 / 30.00€ / $40.00
13335-Tactical Teratosynth w/ Hvy Pulse Rifle Contents: ! figure,, plastic base.
Price: £6.00 / 9.00€ / $12.00
13636-Thermite Bombers Contents: 2 x figures, plastic bases.
Price: £6.00 / 9.00€ / $12.00
13726-Red Guard Contents: 2 x figures, plastic bases.
Price: £8.00 / 12.00€ / $16.00
13727-Red Guard Serg Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £5.00 / 7.50€ / $10.00
Phase 15 – Shipping July 21st
34406-Oni Class Shogun Battlesuits Contents: 2 x Onis; 1 w/Naginata & 1 w/blade, plastic bases.
Price: £18.00 / 27.00€ / $36.00
34503-Broodmasters Contents: 2 x Broodmasters; 1 w/Scythed Limbs & 1 w/Neutron Staff, plastic bases.
Price: £18.00 / 27.00€ / $36.00
34504-Broodmasters Contents: 2 x Broodmasters w/Scythed Limbs , plastic bases.
Price: £18.00 / 27.00€ / $36.00
34508-Breeders Contents: 2 x Breeders & 6 x Skull Swarms, plastic bases.
Price: £20.00 / 30.00€ / $40.00
34610-Dune Raiders Contents: 4 x Dune Raiders; 2 w/Shotgun, 1 w/Grapegun & 1 Decurion, plastic bases.
Price: £24.00 / 36.00€ / $48.00
13433-Oni Class Shogun with Kitanna Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £10.00 / 15.00€ / $20.00
13434-Oni Class Shogun with Naginata Contents: 1 x figure, plastic base.
Price: £10.00 / 15.00€ / $20.00
13637-Dune Raider Contents: 1 x Rider and Quad, plastic base.
Price: £8.00 / 12.00€ / $16.00
13638-Dune Raider Decurion Contents:1 x Rider and Quad, plastic base.
Price: £8.00 / 12.00€ / $16.00
13639-Dune Raider Pillager Contents: 1 x Rider and Quad, plastic base.
Price: £8.00 / 12.00€ / $16.00